Basin Family Tree Care LLC provides tree trimming services to residential homeowners, small business owners, commercial business owners and the city of Klamath Falls. We specialize in tree pruning and removals with over 15 years of experience. We now operate with the tallest bucket truck in town reaching 75 feet.
Tree Removals
Trees sometimes need to be removed for a variety of reasons, the tree may be dead or dying or growing too close to your home. Sometimes a tree is planted in a poor location or has just become a hazard. Regardless of the reason, we at Basin Family Tree Care have the skill and equipment necessary to get any size job done safely and efficiently.

Tree Pruning
Tree pruning is necessary to keep your trees healthy. Most mature trees need to be pruned every 3-7 years depending on size, location, and type of tree. Fast growing trees will need to be pruned more often that slow growing trees.
Stump Grinding
When we remove trees we will cut the stump as low to the ground as possible. Sometimes it may be necessary to remove the stump, we have a stump grinder that can grind the stump to below the ground surface.

Coming Soon! We will be offering excavating services!
Wood Chipping
We have a 14'' feed wood chipper for chipping brush and brush piles. Brush gets chipped directly into the bed of the bucket truck and we deliver the wood chips to the sanitation department where they use them for compost. Wood chips are also available for delivery upon request. Wood chips are great for driveways, gardens and mulch.

Land Clearing
Just bought a bunch of property and need to clear some trees! We have the equipment to handle that. Ask about our fire abatement services